
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedienungen

1. Vertragsparteien

Zwischen der OCEAN WIND GmbH mit Sitz in CH-3822 Lauterbrunnen und dem/der einzelnen Teilnehmer/in wird ein Vertrag mit dem nachfolgend umschriebenen Inhalt geschlossen.

2. Zustandekommen des Vertrages

2.1 Bei Erhalt der Bestätgung/Rechnung ist sofort eine Anzahlung fällig von 50% des gesamten Törnpreises. Die Restzahlung hat 4 Wochen vor Reiseantrit zu erfolgen. Bei kurzfristgen Buchungen von weniger als 4 Wochen vor Reisebeginn, ist bei Erhalt der Bestätgung der gesamte Betrag sofort fällig.

2.2 Gegenüber der OCEAN WIND GmbH ist der Vertrag nach Eingang der Zahlung und ab Versendung der Anmeldungs- und Zahlungsbestätgung an den/die Teilnehmer/in verbindlich.

2.3 Die OCEAN WIND GmbH ist berechtgt, die gebuchte Veranstaltung aus wichtgen Gründen abzusagen, insbesondere wegen Krankheit/Verletzung des Skippers/Kursleiters. Die Teilnehmer erhalten diesfalls ihre an die OCEAN WIND GmbH geleisteten Zahlungen vollumfänglich zurück. Zu weiteren Zahlungen ist die OCEAN WIND GmbH nicht verpfichtet.

3. Leistungen der OCEAN WIND GmbH

Die OCEAN WIND GmbH führt einen Segeltörn/einen Kurs durch, das heisst, sie legt Inhalte und Daten fest stellt das Boot und dessen Mannschaf bereit, die OCEAN WIND GmbH hat keine weiteren Verpfichtungen.

4. Leistungen der Teilnehmer

4.1 Die Teilnehmer bezahlen:
A fee to OCEAN WIND GmbH for the services rendered. All costs incurred by the participant including food, diesel, charter fees, harbour fees, repair costs, cleaning fees will be paid by the participants.

4.2 The participants must strictly follow the instructions of the skipper/course instructor, to keep the peace on board the vessel and to follow the general rules (especially those concerning safety) of the vessel.

4.3 Each participant is responsible for his or her own travel documents. (Passport, Visa).

4.4 Each participant is responsible for his or her own belongings on board especially concerning the state of appropriate clothing, personal medicines, glasses/contact lenses etc.

4.5 Each participant will undertake travel to and from the vessel at his own cost and risk. That includes travel to and from the departure and destination points of the trip.

4.5 Any participant who, for any reason, cannot turn up at the appointed time for a trip/course has no right to a refund. All participants are responsible for their own cancellation insurance.

5. Operation

5.1 The skipper/instructor is responsible for the presentation of the course, the command of the vessel and the safety of the participants. His instructions must be followed.

5.2 In the case of grave violations of the instructions given by the skipper/instructor, in the case of a serious breach of the peace on board, in the case of endangering safety or in the case of health difficulties of individual participants the skipper/instructor has the right to exclude the participant concerned from taking further part in the course/trip. The person concerned has no claim to a refund or to further costs he/she may incur.

5.3 According to the weather and the practices of good seamanship, the skipper/instructor will make all decisions for the course/trip – departure times, trips on land, meals, safety measures. When necessary the skipper/instructor may deviate from the original plan.

5.4 Each participant shall be considerate of the interests and needs of the other participants and the general peace on board.

6. Safety / Guarantee / Liability

6.1 Each participant will take part in the activities on offer at his/her own risk. He/she is completely responsible for him/herself and must independently put any safety measures ordered in place. (eg. Wearing protective glasses, lifebelts, lifejackets, safety harness either on deck or below as well as in the water.)

6.2 Every participant must arrange his own insurance for any risks encountered on board.

6.3 OCEAN WIND GmbH can give no guarantees. Notably, there can be no guarantee that the trip/course (especially the boat, the accommodation, contents, skipper/course instructor, the other participants, the weather, the route, the trips on shore) will meet the expectations of the participant.

6.4 Any kind of liability between participants as well as between the participants and the skipper/instructor as well as be the participants and OCEAN WIND GmbH will be rejected, within the appropriate legal framework.

6.5 In particular OCEAN WIND GmbH will accept no liability during the deployment of assistance personnel, for the behaviour of the participants, for indirect damages (such as lost profit, the claims of third parties), damages caused by deficiencies, frustration due to the loss of pleasurable holiday time and further such instances.

6.6 Any further liability of OCEAN WIND GmbH will be limited to the sum paid as a fee (paragraph 3.1) paid by the participant.

7. Applicable law / Jurisdiction / Sundry

7.1 The contractual relationship is evaluated under Swiss law excluding any reference to arbitration of Swiss law by foreign or international law.

7.2 Judgement of any dispute from this contractual relationship is the concern of the competent court of Law of the registered office of OCEAN WIND GmbH.

7.3 If certain provisions of this contract are not valid or if the contract has gaps, the remainder of the contract‘s provisions will still apply. In this case the contract should be expanded so it can as far as possible fulfil its purpose.

7.4 Alteration and amendments to this contract are only valid in written form. That is also valid for this provision.

Wengen, 24 November 2017